These are projects that DLS Pathology Services is currently involved with in collaboration with its valued partners providing essential pathology services around the world
Gantgaw Hospital project (Myanmar)
Date project commenced: 22/12/2020
DLS Pathology Services (Project lead: Dr Anthony Longano)
Royal Gantgaw Hospital (Project lead: Dr. Nyi Nyi Wai Yan Zaw)
Aims of project: Remote pathology support for Dr Nyi and colleagues, to help interpret challenging pathology cases encountered in their practice. Still images are uploaded from Royal Gantgaw Hospital and reviewed by DLS Pathology Services pathologists, aiming for a turnaround time of three days for most cases. Laboratory advice is also provided by DLS Pathology Service’s Senior Scientist.
Business plan for project: Free (pro bono service)
Format of images: JPEG/PNG (still images)
Hosting service: WhatsApp
Background details:
DLS Pathology Services – Perth office (PO Box 153, Bull Creek 6149, Perth Western Australia)
DLS Pathology Services members involved in project:
Anthony Longano (FRCPA)
Jeremy Parry (FRCPA)
Patrick Hosking (FRCPA)
Shadi Pirestah (FRCPA)
Cleve Magree (FRCPA)
Slavko Mutavdzic (Senior Scientist)
Royal Gantgaw Hospital - Magway Township, Magway Region, E8-10, Myat Lay Street, Magway, Magwe, Myanmar
Gantgaw Hospital members involved in project
Dr. Nyi Nyi Wai Yan Zaw (MBBS, MMedSc, PhD (Pathology), IFCAP (USA) Assistant lecturer)
Dr William Kyaw Lwin Oo
Progress: (as of 11/10/2021)
2,748 images have been uploaded from Royal Gantgaw Hospital and reviewed by DLS Pathology Services pathologists, covering a broad range of surgical pathology specimens with an emphasis on malignant or potentially malignant cases. Multiple images (sometimes >50) are provided for each case for optimal representation of pathology features. A consensus opinion from DLS Pathology Services is provided for each case together with an explanation and discussion with the referring pathologist(s) as required.
Future aims of project:
Continued support will be provided to Dr Nyi and other pathologists at Royal Gantgaw Hospital for the long-term. Discussion about cost-effective ways of generating digital whole-slide images (WSI) for the project are in early phase, with a view to making images more interpretable by DLS Pathology Service’s pathologists and allowing pathologists at Royal Gantgaw Hospital to capture pathological features more efficiently. Continued laboratory support will also be offered as needed. Additional funding of Royal Gantgaw Hospital and its pathology services would be of great benefit and DLS Pathology Services is investigating possible sources of funds.
Personal statement:
DLS Pathology Services recognises the valuable work being done by Dr Nyi and other pathologists at Royal Gantgaw Hospital and is proud and honoured to be in partnership. We hope that additional resources can be found to help Royal Gantgaw Hospital continue its vital work. Anyone with ideas about funds, or who has funds available is encouraged to get in contact with project members (e.g. via the DLS Pathology Services website).

Vietnam project
(National Children's Hospital - Hanoi)
Date project commenced: 22/01/2021
DLS Pathology Services (Project lead: Dr Jeremy Parry)
Vietnam National Children's Hospital (VNCH) (Project lead: Dr Hoang Thach)
Aims of project: To provide consultation support to Dr Thach and his team at the National Children's Hospital for particularly complex and challenging cases, predominantly in neuropathology. The possibility of a joint research project in artificial intelligence (AI) is also under discussion.
Business plan for project: Free (pro bono service)
Format of images: JPEG/PNG (still images)
Hosting service: Gmail (de-identified digital images)
Background details
DLS Pathology Services – Perth office (PO Box 153, Bull Creek 6149, Perth Western Australia)
DLS Pathology Services members involved in project:
• Anthony Longano (FRCPA)
• Jeremy Parry (FRCPA)
• Patrick Hosking (FRCPA)
• DLS Extended Consultation Network (Neuropathology)
DLS Pathology Services also acknowledges the valuable involvement of Nhung Tran (Austrade) for her assistance in helping our company establish contacts in Vietnam. We thank Nhung for her help and hope to continue to liaison with her.
Vietnam National Children's Hospital (VNCH) (No. 18/879, La Thanh St., Dong Da Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam)
Vietnam National Children's Hospital (VNCH) members involved in project
• Hoang Ngoc Thach (PhD, MD. Head, Pathology department. National Children's Hospital)

Progress: (as of 11/10/2021)
Six complex cases have been uploaded from the National Children's Hospital, comprising more than 50 images including immunohistochemistry (IHC) and radiology, together with detailed clinical histories and the results of IHC performed at the National Children's Hospital. Interpretation of these challenging cases has involved the Core Pathology Support team at DLS Pathology Services as well as our Extended Consultation Network (ECN) for additional expertise in Neuropathology.
Personal statement
DLS Pathology Services recognises the expertise of Dr Thach and the National Children's Hospital in Hanoi in providing an invaluable pathology service to the people of Vietnam. Their work is of the highest standards and DLS Pathology Services is honoured to have been invited to collaborate. We hope to build this valuable service and promote further ties in pathology and medicine between Australia and Vietnam.